Writing workshop : Writing smut novel (and not being ashamed of it!) – 26.10.24 – Le Bookshop – Montpellier

Samedi 26 Octobre 2024 – 14h – 30€ – Réservation ici

La Floraison Littéraire revient au Bookshop pour vous aider à écrire vos scènes érotiques, sans honte et sans jugement !

Perhaps you’re already blushing when you read the title of this workshop? Or are you remembering your favorite smut scene from your last reading? Well, that’s what this writing workshop is all about!

At La Floraison Littéraire, I tackle absolutely every aspect of fiction writing. Sensuality and eroticism are among them! Much more than scenes written and designed to satisfy your readers’ expectations, these moods and scenes have a real impact on the nature of your project, the psychology of your characters and your plot!

Once you’ve established this, you’ll understand that, even if your cheeks get hot when you read this type of excerpt, sensual writing has its legitimacy when it comes to precise, well-constructed writing projects. It may even be the most complex type of writing to incorporate into a project!

That’s why, in this workshop, we’ll look at the nature and objectives of this text/scene. We’ll also look at how to prepare smut scenes for a writing project, how to write them realistically and spicy, and above all how to know the different degrees of smut so you can adjust the temperature to suit your project and your own desires. Of course, I’ll be sure to use excerpts from manuscripts to support our exchanges!

-That’s why we’re taking the liberty of adding that this workshop contains adult content. Thank you for your understanding. –


  • Discover the nature of smut novels and scenes.
  • Understand the objectives ofsensuality in a novel and adapt it to the mood of a particular project.
  • Observe and encounter different degrees of smut to illustrate our exchanges.
  • Apply various tips for writingrealistic, controlled scenes.
  • Understand the role of smut in writing, so as to take a step back from it and feel entitled to write about it if you so wish.

The workshop is open to a maximum of 8 people. Registrations will be available until Thursday October 24 2024. The workshop is open to English speakers, and will be conducted in spoken French, but written instructions will be in both English and French. You will also have the option of writing in English or French, as you prefer. At the end of the workshop you’ll leave with your writing exercises, your own texts and a bibliography based on the workshop theme.

Please, note that the cost of the workshop is 30 euros, which includes the facilitation of the workshop by La Floraison Littéraire, the preparation of the workshop and the provision of writing materials. To support and thank Le Bookshop for hosting the workshop, you will be asked to buy a drink during the workshop. 🙂